Active Projects

CA 23123 Non-chemical weed management in medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) (weedingMAPs)

Roles on the project:

  1. Science communication coordinator
  2. Member of Management Committe
  3. Working group: WG1, WG3,WG5.

CA22134 – Sustainable Network for agrofood loss and waste prevention, management, quantification and valorisation (FoodWaStop)

Roles on the project:

  1. Member of Management Committe
  2. Working Group: WG4 and WG6

CA22144 – Sustainable use of salt-affected lands (SUSTAIN)

Roles on the project:

  1. Member of Management Committe
  2. Working Group: WG1 and WG6

CA22146 – Harnessing the potential of underutilized crops to promote sustainable food production (DIVERSICROP)

Roles on the project:

  1. Working Group: WG3 and WG5

CA23107 – Network for Evidence Synthesis in The Agri-Food Sector (EU-NESA)

Roles on the project:

  1. Member of Management Committe
  2. Working group: WG2 and WG5